- Organ Transplant By
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al Kawthari
- Women's Mosque? Women's Empowerment? By
Khalid Baig
- The Nobel Award and the
Not-So-Noble Propaganda Campaign By
Khalid Baig
- Vaccination Information
Resource Guide
- Fatwa of Shaikh Yusuf
Qaradawi on the military coup in Egypt By Shaikh Yusuf Qardawi
- Helping Google Find
Sensibility By Khalid Baig
- Facebook: Social
Networking or Social Engineering? By
Mirza Yawar Baig
- Muslim Scholars Declare
Nude Body Scanners Immoral and Haram
- Statement of the Fiqh
Council of North America (FCNA) on Nude Body Scanners
- Is it About Saving Lives? By Khalid Baig
- Native Orientalists at
the Daily Times By M.
Shahid Alam
- Swiss Ban on Minarets:
Reflection of Political Extremism By
United Ulama Council of South Africa
- Chomsky on Oil and the
Israel Lobby By M. Shahid
- Defending Shariah,
Undermining Shariah By
Khalid Baig
- Can the Pope be Reformed?
By Khalid Baig
- Israel's Latest Invasion
of Lebanon and Western Culpability
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
- The Native Orientalists:
The Muslims America Loves
By M. Shahid Alam
- What is Happening in
Burma? By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
- Please Smile While Under
the Boot By Mulham Assir
- . . . And Little Men
Attempt to Ridicule Him By
Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal
- Reflections on Hatred and
the Defamation of the Prophet Muhammad By Jamaal al-Deen Zarabozo
- Intended Insults:
Unintended Consequences By
Khalid Baig
- Options for French Muslims
By Khalid Baig
- Equality, Tolerance,
Fraternity, and Islamophobia: Selling Racism in France By Khalid Baig
- The Crusade Against the
Hijab: Then and Now By
Khalid Baig
- Intolerance in Europe:
A Historical Perspective By
Muneeb Baig
On closer examination, the
French government is simply asking Muslims to abandon Islam. This
secular inquisition has deep historical roots. And not only in France.
- Harry Potter:
Facts about Fiction By
Khalid Baig
- Is There an
Islamic Problem? By M.
Shahid Alam
- The Ship and
the Lifeboats By Khalid
Although the pen and the
sword are arrayed against it, Islam is spreading. But there are also
problems within the Muslim reawakening.
- Kosher
Chemical Weapons? Civilians Attacked With Poison Gas By James Brooks
- Don't Link
Hajj To Terrorism Say Muslims
- Anti-Muslim
Stickers Sold At Conservative Conference
Islamic advocacy group calls
on Republican leaders to repudiate hate
- Response to
the Cartoon Peddling Hate and Insult
- Syndicated
Cartoon Portrays Muhammad as Terrorist
Prophet of Islam shown
driving nuke-laden Ryder truck
- Muslims
Criticize Portrayal Of "Jesus" In TV Ad
Christ shown gambling with
devil in sports bar on TV Guide Channel
- Israeli
Army Hoists Israeli flag on Mosque Minaret in Dura - Soldiers Urinated
and Defecated Inside By
IAP News
- Propaganda
Machine: The Tale of Two Anniversaries By Ali Abunimah
US Media remembers one
anniversary and totally forgets another.
- U.S.
Muslim Group To Launch Major Educational Initiative
First-of-its-kind library
project counters bigotry with educational materials
- Israel:
Killing Deliberately "by Mistake" By
Khalid Amyreh
- 33rd
Anniversary of the Burning of Al-Aqsa, The Threat to Jerusalem Continues
- Rabbi from
Jewish Terrorist Group Killed in West Bank Resistance Attack
- Shame on A World
Where Sharon is A Free Man By
Ramzy Baroud
- Israel Concocts
Lies to Justify Atrocity
- Neo-Nazis
Defecate in Synagogue in Wales; Jewish Soldiers Defecate in Offices,
Mosques in Palestine
- Kosher
Journalism? CNN Gets Its News from Pro-Israeli Site
- UN Watch: A
World UNfit for Children By
Khalid Baig
The latest UN "outcome
document", signed on 11 May 2002, advances is anti-family, anti-women,
anti-children, anti-morality, and anti-decency agenda yet again.
- The
Zionist Occupation of Palestine: Old Facts, Cold Realities By His Majesty King Abdullah, November, 1947
This article was written 55
years ago. What has changed since then?
- Nothing Had
Prepared Me For the Scenes of Devastation in Jenin By Dr. Riad Abdelkarim
- Telling
It Like It Is (Fox Interview with the Lebanese Ambassador)
- Media Watch:
How to Influence the US Media By
Ahmed Bouzid
Are those who are running
the propaganda machine honest but misinformed? Not really.
- Pakistani President
Defends Same Khutbah Policy By TIC Staff Writer
- Task Force Defines
"Moderate Muslims" By TIC
Staff Writer
- View
Point: The Pakistani General Declares War – On Islam By Abid Ullah Jan, Pakistan
- Oslo: Israel's
Bantustan By Francis A.
- Trained Shaheen
By Maulana Qari Mansoor Ahmed
(Translation: Nadeem)
Pakistan Air Force uses
Shaheen (hawk) as its symbol. Appropriately so, notes this author.
- Geneva Conventions:
Does Anybody Remember?
International law prohibits
attacks on civilians.
- We are Often Unaware
of our Indebtedness to the Islamic Civilization, says Hewlett Packard
- Attack In The
U.S.A: Lessons To Learn By
Dr. Masudul Alam Choudhury
- CNN and The
Palestinian Coverage
CNN rebuts, but...
- Tragedy,
Compassion, and Blind Rage By
Khalid Baig
- America, We
Feel your Pain, Do you Feel Ours? By
Ramzy Baroud
- What Does Islam Say
About Terrorism?
- A Story: The Lion
and the Goat
- Of The 'Dead
Pilot' Who 'Crashed Into The World Trade Center'
- CNN Used 1991
Film To Incite Against Palestinians
- The Jewish Soldier
and a 4-year old Palestinian Girl By
Hanan Mikhael Ashrawi
From the diary of an almost
4-year old Palestinian girl who lost her eye to a bullet.
- Why Zionism Is
Racism By Rabee' Sahyoun
Zionism is a racist and
irredeemable movement, like Bolshevism, Nazism, and Apartheid.
- Declaration
on The State of Conflict in Macedonia
- Holocaust
Remembrance Veils Criminal Policies By
Enver Masud
Holocaust...has been used to justify criminal policies of the Israeli
state and U.S. support for those policies.
- Statues, The
Propaganda Machine, and The Ummah: The Day After By Khalid Baig
- Israeli
Occupation Troops Close Down Wakf Department and Mosque in Hebron
- Taliban: The
World Needs the Iconoclasts By
Khalid Baig
We are living in a world in
which animals are more valuable than humans (In India, for example, men
have been slaughtered over the issue of cow slaughter). And now even
the stones are more valuable than the humans. And to top it off, those
who have developed such inverted values are the self-declared champions
of human dignity. And why not? Those who have hearts of stone are
naturally showing their love for stones.
- The Rickets Scare: BBC
Takes A Cheap Shot At Islamic Dress Code By Dr. Rubina Khalid
- American Zionism (3)
By Edward Said
- American Zionism (2)
By Edward Said
- American Zionism (1)
By Edward Said
- Maximizing
Profits and Supporting Terrorism From
- Israel's Plan for
Palestine, a la Pretoria By
Scott Burchill
- The Fallacy
of Peace in the Middle East By
Osama Shabaneh
- Al-Aqsa, The Propaganda
Machine, and "The International Community" By Khalid Baig
- Renowned
Scholar Maulana Yusuf Ludhianvi Martyred in Karachi
- Beijing Plus 5: What
is in Store? By Khalid Baig
Come this June, if all goes
well for the organizers --- and there are strong indications that it
will, unless Muslims wake up from their deep slumber --- then the UN
leaders would have pulled a coup of gigantic proportions against
morality, decency and the Shar'iah, without evoking any resistance. The
event, nicknamed Beijing plus 5, is the special session of the General
Assembly entitled "Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace
for the twenty-first century." The special session will be held from
June 5 through 9 in New York.
- Pakistan at the
Crossroads By Dr. Israr
Pakistan must re-establish
its relationship with its ideological roots and must rely only upon
Almighty Allah (SWT); it must make meaningful progress towards the
implementation of Shar'iah in accordance with the recommendations of
the Council of Islamic Ideology; it must purge the economy of all kinds
of riba; it must stop paying interest on its international loans and
offer “debt equity swap” as a possible means for paying off the
capital; and it must develop close relationship with Taliban government
and work towards establishing a confederation.
- Egypt Air Crash:
The Hidden Hand Behind the Disaster From
Al-Ahram Newspaper
- Kashmir: Beware
(Urdu) By General Hamid
- War and Peace in
Kosova By Khalid Baig
- Kosova: A Timeline
By Khalid Baig
- "The Expulsion of
Albanians" (A Serbian
- Kosova and Bosnia: So
Different Yet Alike By
Khalid Baig