- The Project for a New American-Islamic Cultural Order By Sohaib Baig
- The Infamous Gap between Islam and Modernity By Sohaib Baig
- Towards Building Ummah Consciousness By Sohaib Baig
- Islam versus Science or Scientism? By Sohaib Baig
- Freedom of Expression? By Khalid Baig
- Human Dignity By Khalid Baig
- Medicine and Muslims: The Road Ahead By Khalid Baig
- Big Business, "Muslim Rap" By Khalid Baig
- All Profit, No Loss By
Khalid Baig
- Days of the Couch Potatoes By Khalid Baig
- Joy Forever, Grief Forever By Khalid Baig
- Youth: On Culture, Religion, and
Generation Gap
By Khalid Baig
- What Good is Salat? By Khalid Baig
- The Scholar and the Ruler By Khalid Baig
- The Importance of Kinship By Khalid Baig
- Analysis: More than
Bad Rulers and Corrupt Societies By Khalid
- The Road from Makkah By Khalid Baig
- Message of Ramadan By Khalid Baig
- On Extremism By Khalid Baig
- The Power of Dua By Khalid Baig
The dua can change our life, our outlook,
and our fate. It is the most potent weapon of a believer.
- Valentine Day, Birthdays, and
Other Daze By Khalid Baig
What commercial and cultural propaganda
presents as beautiful is rooted in ugly paganism but most blind
followers do not know.
- Islam is the Solution By Khalid Baig
- What Does Islam Teach About Justice? By Khalid Baig
Neither love nor hatred can be allowed to
compromise justice.
- "Not Fearing the Blame..." By Khalid Baig
What should be our relationship with the
formidable media machine?
- On Intentions and Actions By Khalid Baig
From Islamic perspective our actions can
fall in one of three categories and our intentions have different
implications for each of them.
- Reward Only From Allah By Khalid Baig
Reflections on the Hadith on intention
and its impact on our salaf.
- Relating to the Qur'an By Khalid Baig
We cannot just open the Qur’an and
start interpreting it as if we are starting on ground zero.
- Istighfar: Seeking Forgiveness from
Allah By Khalid Baig
Reflections on repentance and seeking
- On Religious Tolerance By Khalid Baig
A look at religious tolerance in Islam
and in the West.
- The
Responsibilities of Muslims in the West By
Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
- The Kites of Blasphemy By Syed Mohammad Anas
Basant 'mela' is celebrated in
memory of Hakeekat Rai, a Hindu blasphemer who had insulted the Prophet
- Your Heaven, Your Hell By Khalid Baig
While parental love is mostly
instinctive, the way we treat our parents has been left to us. We can
choose to honor and obey them or we can choose to do otherwise. Hence
the reference to heaven and hell. For it is through exercise of our
free will that we choose the path of heaven or hell.
- Surviving the Melting Pot By Khalid Baig
- Do We Mind Our Language? By Khalid Baig
- The Value of Words By Khalid Baig
- "Religious Wars" By Khalid Baig
- The Islamic Dress Code By Khalid Baig
- The Millenium Bug By
Khalid Baig
- Quran: Witness the Miracle By Khalid Baig
- Beyond Elected Government. Just
Government By Khalid Baig
- Halloween: Innocent Fun or Mortal
Danger? By M. Murad
- The Road to Paradise By Khalid Baig
- Perspective on Turkish Earthquake
Natural Disasters: Test, Punishment, or Blessing? By Khalid Baig
- Parenting Goals and Ideas By Khalid Baig
- Lowest of the Low By
Khalid Baig
- Kosova: Where Were the Muslims?
By Khalid Baig
It is not just lack of military or
economic power. It is a corrosive but generally accepted ideology. Why
have a billion Muslims been so helpless? They have been imprisoned in
the cage of that stinking nationalism.
- Tribal Loyalty By Khalid Baig
Dr. Crane condemns tribal loyalty. But
what is tribal loyalty?
- Makkah -- not "Mecca" By Abu Atiyyah
What is in a spelling? A lot, if you
think about it.
- The Story of Baghdad By Khalid Baig
There is more to the story of Baghdad
than one can get from the news.
- The Meaning of Ramadan By Khalid Baig
Ramadan is the month for rebuilding our
spiritual strength by indulging in direct ibadah.
- Whose Islam? By
Khalid Baig
The question is borrowed from
elsewhere---without the least effort to judge its applicability in case
of Islam
- Good Muslim, Good Human Being By Khalid Baig
A person who, through his intentional or
careless actions or words inflicts unjustified pain on others is not
worthy of being called a Muslim.
- Humility in Knowledge and Arrogance in
Ignorance By Khalid Baig
A pseudo religious scholar is danger to
- Be Careful with Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi
wa Sallam By Khalid Baig
Our relationship to the Prophet,
Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, is at the core of our entire religion. He
is human, not Divine, but he is our connection to the Deity. He relays
to us the Word of Allah and he explains what the Word means. He sets a
personal example that we look at not just for admiration but emulation.
Our relationship to him is legal as well as personal; moral as well as
spiritual; intellectual as well as emotional. Allah chose him to guide
us, educate us, inspire us, and purify us --- and we remain indebted
- Virtue, Real and Apparent By Khalid Baig
Sometimes there is a fine line between
apparent virtue and real virtue; between what we like to do and what we
must do; between religion as hobby and religion as the serious business
of obedience to Allah.
- The Choice is Yours By Khalid Baig
We cannot get to the high ground by
taking the low road. We cannot win our Creator's pleasure by disobeying
Him. We cannot enter Paradise by being ambivalent about it. The clash
between the two lifestyles here is actually the clash between two
afterlives. And the choice is ours.
- Islamic Brotherhood By Khalid Baig
This Brotherhood was a force for good, a
purveyor of peace and justice for everyone. It provided stability in a
quarrelsome world. To the downtrodden and oppressed everywhere, it
provided freedom. When it was powerful, it even saved the Jews and
Christians in Palestine and Spain from each other.
- Better, Try to See the Light By Khalid Baig
Modern day Christianity and Judaism have
been through a series of "reformation" processes. Over the centuries
tens of thousands of "reformed churches" and "reformed synagogues" have
been established throughout Europe and America. Many see this revision
and update as a continuous process.
So, why not Islam?
- Belief and Superstition By Khalid Baig
In a big city like Los Angeles or New
York, one can find thousands of palm-readers, tarot-card readers and
astrologers who even have professional associations and certification
programs. Daily horoscopes are an indispensable part of even the most
prestigious newspapers and web sites. Is it is human destiny to be
afflicted with superstitions?
No, it is just an evil consequence of unbelief. The light of Islam can
cure it.
- No Haya, No Life By
Khalid Baig
Islam brought about a moral revolution of
unprecedented dimensions with haya as its cornerstone. The pre-Islamic
Jahilya society of Arabia knew the word but did not understand its
meaning. Nudity, the antithesis of haya, was not only common in every
day life, it was even part of the most important religious ritual of
tawaf (circumbulation of Ka'bah). So were all the other evils that flow
from it. Islam exterminated all of those evils and changed the society
in such a way that haya became one of its most cherished values.
To this day in Friday Khutbahs around the world, the third Khalifah
Hazrat Usman, Radi-Allahu, unhu is mentioned as the person with perfect
haya and perfect Iman (Kamil lil-haya wal Iman). Is there any other
religion that celebrates haya like that?
- Preparing for Death By Khalid Baig
It is amazing how a lot of our own
"confusions", frivolous arguments, excuses (for why we cannot do this
or avoid that), or plane laziness can melt away when we visualize
ourselves in our grave! Death settles lot of arguments. Its remembrance
can do that too. Before it is too late.
- Time is Life By
Khalid Baig
Just imagine how Internet has made it
possible for information to move all over the world in seconds. And
then see how the same medium is being used to waste countless hours in
frivolous discussions in chat rooms or meaningless net surfing! The
juxtaposition of the time saving and time wasting nature of the same
tool brings in full focus the basic problem with the prevalent ideas of
time itself.
- The Purpose of Prayer By Khalid Baig
Everyone who believes in God also prays.
But "how" and "for what" of prayer depend upon one's concept of God and
outlook on life.
- All Virtues, Big or Small By Khalid Baig
Every good deed, no matter how small, has
the potential of becoming our ticket to paradise. It just depends upon
the situation in which it was performed and the level of sincerity in
our heart. Feeding water to a thirsty dog is not an extra-ordinary
event per se, but in the particular case mentioned in the hadith it
became large enough to wipe out all the sins of a very sinful person.
- A Look at Christmas By
Khalid Baig
Both Muslims and serious Christians can
learn a lot from Christmas, the annual celebration of the victory of
paganism over the religion of Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ), alayhi salam.
- Reason and Revelation By Khalid Baig
Normally it is difficult for us to say "I
don't know." It is even more difficult for nations to admit a weakness
in their celebrated tools of inquiry. That is the dilemma of the modern
world, which sees so much wrong with itself but cannot bring itself to
admitting the problem with its basic approach. But a Muslim is the
person who has both the wisdom and the courage to surrender before the
higher source of knowledge and guidance. For him Revelation informs his
reason and his reason controls his emotions. Such is the person who is
blessed, but not burdened, by his beliefs.
- Peer Pressure By
Khalid Baig
The most ridiculous thing would be for
anyone to leave the Straight Path for fear of being ridiculed by those
who are happily rushing on their path to eternal doom. The most
laughable act is to trade truth for Falsehood for fear of being laughed
at. The craziest deed would be to knowingly disobey Allah for fear of
being called crazy!
- Taqwa is for Everyone By Khalid Baig
Taqwa (God consciousness, fear of Allah,
righteousness) is not required just of a select group of religious
people who would then be called muttaqeen (possessors of taqwa).
Rather, every believer has to become muttaqi for the success in the
hereafter is only for the muttaqeen.
- Amr-bil-Maroof By
Khalid Baig
More often than we realize we are engaged
in persuading others or are being persuaded by them about big and small
things in life. Islam gives this tremendous social force a purpose. It
must be used for promoting good, truth and justice and checking evil
and injustice. That is the essence of
- Dhikr (Remembering Allah) By Khalid Baig
The unlettered shepherd was a greater man
of understanding than the "greatest great" who does not remember Allah.
If only we can understand.
- Seeking Knowledge By
Khalid Baig
Must every individual Muslim become a
religious scholar? Not at all. What is required of an individual is
only sufficient knowledge that can enable him or her to carry out their
religious obligations. As a minimum every Muslim must learn the
articles of faith and what they really mean. He or she must also learn
the laws and teachings of Shariah as they relate to their life. The
basic rule is that accompanying every religious duty is another duty to
learn about the requirements of that duty.
- Muslim Unity By
Khalid Baigs
Pious people are not extinct today. What
we sorely need is the reformers who can rise above their narrow
perspectives and heed the universal and unifying call of Islam.
[Adapted from two talks of Mufti Muhammad Shafi, the late grand Mufti
of Pakistan.]
- Jerusalem: History Lessons By Khalid Baig
Only monotheism can provide peace and
justice for all as it did in the past. The world is waiting for the
forces of true monotheism to conquer Jerusalem once again.
- Zakat By Khalid
If used properly, Zakat could put IMF,
the World Bank, and other shylocks who have been enriching themselves
at the expense of the poor out of business in the Muslim countries.
- The Miracle of the Quran By Khalid Baig
The German Institute examined 43,000
copies of Quranic manuscripts. They could find not a single discrepancy
in the text.
- Have Mercy By
Khalid Baig
Some reflections on Hadith-musalsal bil
- Right and Wrong By
Khalid Baig
Ultimately the value of a human society
depends upon its ability to develop the framework that can separate
right from wrong. All those frustrated with western failure here would
do themselves a big favor by checking out the Islamic answer.
- Allahu Akbar By
Khalid Baig
Allahu-Akbar is the weapon that gives us
the courage to challenge all subjugation, political or intellectual. It
makes us turn our attention to the Creator and ignore other creations
like ourselves. In the jihads in Afghanistan, Kashmir, or Bosnia, as
elsewhere, the power of this weapon has been felt by people on both
sides of the conflict. In every conflict the shouts of Allahu-Akbar
instilled fear in the hearts of the oppressors. It boasted the morale
of the mujahideen with new levels of hope and courage. And that is the
way it should be. Because Allah is the Greatest.