Salat-ul-Tasbeeh Method

By Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Posted: 19 Sha'ban 1423, 26 October 2002

Q.) I would be most grateful if you could you take the time to answer some questions pertaining to Salat al tasbeeh. As you are aware there are 2 methods described in Fadail-e-Aamal regarding the performance of Salat al tasbeeh. Below are my queries pertaining to each of the methods:

Method 1 Query

In this method a person recites the kalimah 10 times in the sitting position after the 2nd sajdah. My question is, would a person after reciting the kalimah 10 times in the sitting position after the second sajdah at the end of the 1st and 3rd rakaahs have to say 'Allahuakbar' when standing up for the 2nd and 4th rakaahs?

Method 2 Query

In this method the kalimah is recited 15 times between Thana (i.e. subhanakallah..) and Ta'awwudh (Aoudhubillah..).

My questions are:

A) Do you have to recite Thana, then the kalimah 15 times and then Ta'awwudh, then tasmiyah and then surah fatiha at the start of all 4 rakaahs?


B) Do you recite the kalimah 15 times and then Ta'awwudh, then tasmiyah and then surah fatiha at the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rakaahs?

Please could you answer my questions for both of the methods and give me a speedy response as I would like to perform this Salat in the month of Ramadan. [Imran]

A.) 1. When performing Salat-ul-Tasbeeh, the normal Takbeers and Tasbeehs of Ruku, Sajda, etc. are separate from that of the extra Tasbeehs. The Tasbeeh that must be recited 75 times in each Rakaat is 'additional'. Therefore, you must say Allaahu Akbar (like normally) when moving from one posture to another in any of the Rakaats.

2. No, Thanaa and Ta'awwudh is only recited in the beginning of the first Rakaat of any Salat. Only Tasmiyyah should be recited at the beginning of the other Rakaats after reciting the Tasbeeh 15 times.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best